lnxw48: lnxw48 favorited something by bes: You should never rely on...
lnxw48 favorited something by bes: You should never rely on proprietary services you don't control, for stuff you care about. https://io.schiessle.org/url/18685 #selfhost #wordpress #GNUSocial...
View Articlelnxw48: RT @bes You should never rely on proprietary services you don't...
RT @bes You should never rely on proprietary services you don't control, for stuff you care about. http://url.federati.net/to5To #selfhost #wordpress #GNUSocial #Diaspora ...
View Articlevegos: RT @bes You should never rely on proprietary services you don't...
RT @bes You should never rely on proprietary services you don't control, for stuff you care about. https://io.schiessle.org/url/18685 #selfhost #wordpress #GNUSocial #Diaspora ...
View Articlejuansantiago: RT @bes You should never rely on proprietary services you don't...
RT @bes You should never rely on proprietary services you don't control, for stuff you care about. https://io.schiessle.org/url/18685 #s ...
View Articlecmhobbs: cmhobbs favorited something by bes: You should never rely on...
cmhobbs favorited something by bes: You should never rely on proprietary services you don't control, for stuff you care about. https://io.schiessle.org/url/18685 #selfhost #wordpress #GNUSocial...
View Articlemanuel: @ruivaldivia depende de la configuración de la instalación de...
@ruivaldivia depende de la configuración de la instalación de #wordpress Un mp3 no te debería de dar problemas ¿En que formato tienes el archivo?
View Articlelnxw48: @tobias@f.diekershoff.de @tobias @heluecht@pirati.ca @heluecht WP...
@tobias@f.diekershoff.de @tobias @heluecht@pirati.ca @heluecht WP usually auto-updates itself now, but someone still must click a button to update themes, plugins, extensions. This makes it a much...
View Articlejordila: @sl i,ve tried #WebRTC videoconferencing protocol, on top of...
@sl i,ve tried #WebRTC videoconferencing protocol, on top of #Wordpress ... #self-hosted. More networked... maybe #Jitsi ? And i've heard about #Tox and uTox , ... which adds encryption and more #p2p...
View Articlejordila: @bobjonkman we made some succesful testing at @lasindias servers ......
@bobjonkman we made some succesful testing at @lasindias servers ... it was a plugin on top of #Wordpress i think. You should better ask the true authors of the setup, though... @david @manuel
View Articlegoebelmasse: Vorsicht beim Upgrade auf #WordPress 4.6, da ist ein Problem mit...
Vorsicht beim Upgrade auf #WordPress 4.6, da ist ein Problem mit ini_get_all() drin! Mit Link auf #Workaround.http://qttr.at/1fzb
View Articlemcscx: RT @goebelmasse Vorsicht beim Upgrade auf #WordPress 4.6, da ist ein...
RT @goebelmasse Vorsicht beim Upgrade auf #WordPress 4.6, da ist ein Problem mit ini_get_all() drin! Mit Link auf #Workaround.http://qt ...
View Articlejordila: ' Do you want to know how usable #Drupal CMS is? ' " [..] “But my...
' Do you want to know how usable #Drupal CMS is? '" [..] “But my clients prefer #Wordpress because #Drupal is not user friendly for the content administration.” ... Well that seems to be changing in...
View Articlejordila: ' Como de usable es #Drupal | Ymbra '...
' Como de usable es #Drupal | Ymbra ' http://ymbra.com/es/blog/como-de-usable-es-drupal Efectivamente, en mi experiencia, #Wordpress superaba a Drupal en 'usabilidad' (en particular en la edición de...
View Articlelinuxgnublog: ¿Es necesario migrar a https? Pues no, pero cuando #WordPress...
¿Es necesario migrar a https? Pues no, pero cuando #WordPress .com lo hace, por algo será. Pensé: Uso WordPress .org, no vamos a ser menos... Asegura tu sitio web #Nginx con Let’s...
View Articlejordila: RT @linuxgnublog ¿Es necesario migrar a https? Pues no, pero cuando...
RT @linuxgnublog¿Es necesario migrar a https? Pues no, pero cuando #WordPress .com lo hace, por algo será. Pensé: Uso WordPress .org, no vamos a ser menos... Asegura tu sitio web #Nginx con Let’s...
View Articletuttle: RT @linuxgnublog ¿Es necesario migrar a https? Pues no, pero cuando...
RT @linuxgnublog ¿Es necesario migrar a https? Pues no, pero cuando #WordPress .com lo hace, por algo será. Pensé: Uso WordPress .org, no vamos a ser menos... Asegura tu sitio web #Nginx con Let’s...
View Articlelnxw48: @bobjonkman @mk Also, some functionality that was formerly built into...
@bobjonkman @mk Also, some functionality that was formerly built into #WordPress itself has been centralized and cloudized as part of #Jetpack.
View Articlelnxw48: @bobjonkman The first one I noticed is visitor stats. #WordPress used...
@bobjonkman The first one I noticed is visitor stats. #WordPress used to provide visitor counts and graphs (total and per article) without any plugins or cloud services.
View Articlelnxw48: @bobjonkman My old #WordPress install (from late 2007) came with...
@bobjonkman My old #WordPress install (from late 2007) came with stats. Functionality was wiped out in an upgrade. Soon after, management panel encouraged me to install #Jetpack.
View Articleinscius: inscius favorited something by lnxw48: @bobjonkman My old #WordPress...
inscius favorited something by lnxw48: @bobjonkman My old #WordPress install (from late 2007) came with stats. Functionality was wiped out in an upgrade. Soon after, management panel encouraged me to...
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