oriolrigola: El 25% d'internet funciona amb #WordPress (Cas)...
El 25% d'internet funciona amb #WordPress (Cas) https://www.fayerwayer.com/2015/11/el-25-de-internet-funciona-con-wordpress Via @FayerWayer
View Articlemmn: För att man enkelt kan hosta en egen podd. Det är bara att typ köra...
För att man enkelt kan hosta en egen podd. Det är bara att typ köra #Wordpress och ladda upp en ljudfil, sedan kan vem som helst med ett podd-radio-program lägga in din RSS-feed och vips få...
View Articleroland: @atarifrosch kann man unter #wordpress nicht Email-Adressen...
@atarifrosch kann man unter #wordpress nicht Email-Adressen blockieren? Oder wird die staendig gewechselt?
View Articlelinuxgnublog: ¡Llegó el día!!! este es nuestro regalo... Liberamos nuestro...
¡Llegó el día!!! este es nuestro regalo... Liberamos nuestro tema de #WordPresshttp://linuxgnublog.org/liberamos-nuestro-tema-de-wordpress
View Articledrymer: RT @linuxgnublog ¡Llegó el día!!! este es nuestro regalo... Liberamos...
RT @linuxgnublog ¡Llegó el día!!! este es nuestro regalo... Liberamos nuestro tema de #WordPresshttp://linuxgnublog.org/liberamos-nues ...
View Articlemika: #WordPress #OpenStreeMap #Plugin #OSM V3.6.1 released. We need #help...
#WordPress #OpenStreeMap #Plugin #OSM V3.6.1 released. We need #help for Spanish translation. https://gnusocial.net/attachment/36834http://wp-osm-plugin.hanblog.net/contact/
View Articlenicolasmaia: RT @mika #WordPress #OpenStreeMap #Plugin #OSM V3.6.1 released....
RT @mika #WordPress #OpenStreeMap #Plugin #OSM V3.6.1 released. We need #help for Spanish translation. https://gnusocial.net/attachment/ ...
View Articlemmn: RT @mika #WordPress #OpenStreeMap #Plugin #OSM V3.6.1 released. We need...
RT @mika #WordPress #OpenStreeMap #Plugin #OSM V3.6.1 released. We need #help for Spanish translation. https://gnusocial.net/attachment/36834http://wp-osm-plugin.hanblog.net/contact/
View Articledrymer: RT @mika #WordPress #OpenStreeMap #Plugin #OSM V3.6.1 released. We...
RT @mika #WordPress #OpenStreeMap #Plugin #OSM V3.6.1 released. We need #help for Spanish translation. https://gnusocial.net/attachment/ ...
View Articlejordila: RT @mika #WordPress #OpenStreeMap #Plugin #OSM V3.6.1 released. We...
RT @mika #WordPress #OpenStreeMap #Plugin #OSM V3.6.1 released. We need #help for Spanish translation. https://gnusocial.net/attachment/36834http://wp-osm-plugin.hanblog.net/contact/
View Articlejordila: jordila favorited something by mika: #WordPress #OpenStreeMap...
jordila favorited something by mika: #WordPress #OpenStreeMap #Plugin #OSM V3.6.1 released. We need #help for Spanish translation....
View Articletuttle: RT @mika #WordPress #OpenStreeMap #Plugin #OSM V3.6.1 released. We...
RT @mika #WordPress #OpenStreeMap #Plugin #OSM V3.6.1 released. We need #help for Spanish translation. https://gnusocial.net/attachment/36834http://wp-osm-plugin.hanblog.net/contact/
View Articlelnxw48: I don't read stuff on #Medium very often. The way I look at it, it...
I don't read stuff on #Medium very often. The way I look at it, it takes three minutes to sign up for hosting and click 'Install #Wordpress' ... if someone is not willing to make that tiny effort, it...
View Articlecmhobbs: cmhobbs favorited something by lnxw48: I don't read stuff on #Medium...
cmhobbs favorited something by lnxw48: I don't read stuff on #Medium very often. The way I look at it, it takes three minutes to sign up for hosting and click 'Install #Wordpress' ... if someone is not...
View Articledragnucs: @knuthollund @mmn can !qvitter and !gnusocial be updated...
@knuthollund @mmn can !qvitter and !gnusocial be updated automatically, just like #WordPress?
View Articlelnxw48: @dragnucs Neither project is at that point yet, but I do believe the...
@dragnucs Neither project is at that point yet, but I do believe the future of updating !selfhost ed services is something like #Wordpress's auto-updates.
View Articlelohang: I got three #WordPress websites. According to emails I just received,...
I got three #WordPress websites. According to emails I just received, two of them had been automatically updated to Wordpress 4.4.3 and one to 4.4.2! Why on earth is that?
View Articlecolegota: @soulchainer el iframe es una opción. Yo los cuelgo en #wordpress...
@soulchainer el iframe es una opción. Yo los cuelgo en #wordpress sin ello. De todas formas ahí se queda el enlace por si alguien usa el buscador. :)
View Articlecolegota: @cr0n0s @shadow hum... no sé yo si el sistema ese de Digital Ocean...
@cr0n0s @shadow hum... no sé yo si el sistema ese de Digital Ocean es más sencillo o más complicado, lo que sí es diferente a lo habitual. Lo importante en estos casos es que sea un servicio...
View Articlejordila: @manuel @david ... estoy probando 'Discourse' http://discourse.org/...
@manuel @david ... estoy probando 'Discourse' http://discourse.org/ https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/docs/INSTALL-cloud.md cuanto me recuerda a nuestra querida @lamatriz , ya casa...
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